The Board of Trustees and Staff of the BEID sincerely hope that each and every one of you is staying healthy in these uncertain times. Much has been published concerning protocols for working and staying safe during this pandemic, and the BEID strongly recommends following the directions from our Provincial and Federal Medical Health Officers.
BEID business is carrying on as usual. The exception is the Board is communicating and making decisions via electronic means. Staff continue to carry out their full duties in accordance with physical distancing orders. A temporary provisional operations policy setting out measures for the Covid-19 pandemic emergency response has been adopted. The Board is satisfied that operations are in good order.
As BEID launches its new website, it is recognized that there are many sources of information that are particularly valuable for waterworks providers. For this reason, the following COVID-19 information has been compiled for your reference.
Continuity of Operations for Water Systems
On April 9, 2020, the Provincial Health Officer issued a memo regarding “Temporary Measures to Ensure Continuity of Operations for Water Systems in British Columbia under the Drinking Water Protection Act”, giving guidance about operations for water suppliers and drinking water operators during the public health emergency.